Featured Pages

Welcome to Czar Season 5

Welcome to the Czar's 5th season of writing.  You'll notice that I've updated the layout here. The biggest change is that the featured pages and menu structure have been flip flopped so that the featured pages always appear in the orange bar across the top.   The menu is now on the left side and has most of the same links as before.  I've gone thru and cleaned up the list and tried to keep it as organized as I can.  As the season progresses you'll see that header bar update with important pages of the day (Polls, AAU Team Websites etc).

I've also removed all of the ads I had posted and shrunk the old oversized header banner to maximize the amount of information you can see on the page.  This allowed me to move up the Twitter feed section so that those of you who don't follow me on twitter can check here for quick updates.  You know you'll want to because tweets during a game can be just as good as radio.

The updated layout is setup for mobile devices.  This allows for easier reading of posts on those small screens and has a dropdown to access the featured pages which I personally think is pretty cool. 

The updates also include the annual flip of the switch to the new school year so 2010-2011 has been archived on the Previous Seasons page and everything is now up for 2011-2012.